Precision Pain Care specializes in leading-edge, minimally invasive treatment options

Below Are Links To Our Patient’s Most Common Pain Points

Back Pain

80% of Americans will experience back pain in their lifetime.

Neck Pain

The first step toward overcoming your nerve pain is to visit a physician.

Shoulder Pain

Is shoulder pain preventing you from living your fullest?

Hip Pain

Is hip pain preventing you from living your fullest?

Knee Pain

Is knee pain preventing you from living your fullest?

Head Pain

Treatment for chronic headaches and migraines

Body Pain

Neurological and musculoskeletal conditions that can cause body pain.

Nerve Pain

80% of Americans will experience back pain in their lifetime.

Joint Pain

80% of Americans will experience back pain in their lifetime.


80% of Americans will experience back pain in their lifetime.


80% of Americans will experience back pain in their lifetime.

Middle Tennessee’s Premier Spine and Pain Surgery Center.

Minimally invasive procedures to relieve spine and pain discomfort associated with disc herniations, sciatica, spinal stenosis, degenerative disc disease, compression fractures, and other painful conditions. Learn More

Educational Library

Expand your knowledge on conditions that lead to pain as well as leading-edge treatment options

Middle Tennessee’s Premier Spine and Pain Surgery Center.

Founded by Dr. Graf Hilgenhurst, Spine and Pain Physicians Surgery Center provides minimally invasive procedures to relieve spine and pain discomfort associated with disc herniations, sciatica, spinal stenosis, degenerative disc disease, compression fractures, and other painful conditions.